Second reply from Mat Rabi and I did reply to him.
Thank you for your words Sir. Satisfaction brought it back! Much appreciated. By the means of reversed physiology in knowing you Sir… thus, I got the answer to my curiosity. You’re a good man!
I would not be forthright with you I suppose...
My Dear Mek
I hope this message will find you in good spirit and enjoying every moment of your life. Praise be to Allah, the formless and the Source to everything. I continue to seek His guidance to grant me the wisdom to say the truth.
Life is a journey and the so called religion is supposed to guide us in this journey on earth towards the after life. Some people say in fact the after life is 'real living' which both of us have not experienced yet. Yet it is the most sure thing and definitely we will be there sooner or later. Ironically this is the most forgotten thing and most people dare not think of this. Death is seen as a negative thing that will bring sorrow and sadness....
From the beginning of time there is in fact one religion to guide human beings in their journey on this earth and their way of life. The religion must have come from the same Source. The religion is ISLAM in the language of the last messenger, the Arabic language. The fundamentals remain unchanged because there is only one truth, indeed the only reality. Human beings must believe and have the faith that God the supreme power exists and He is the Source of all existence, the manifested. The Source is formless and un manifested and remains absolute. His absolute essence will never be known. He says in the Koran , 'whatever you think is not Me". He means His absolute essence. Put it in another way, "Don't think about My absolute essence". Recognizing His existence human beings are to SUBMIT to Him in order to be SAFE or have PEACE. Submit and Peace is the meaning of Islam, from the linguistic point of view. It is the terminal objective of our life. It is the end state that we should be in. The knowledgeable says, " the start of the religion or the first thing is to know Allah". Then religion laid down rules and regulations for our conduct on this earth. This is to create a social order and a sense of justice in our human relationship. This changes from time to time depending on our civilization. For example at the beginning it was not forbidden for siblings to marry. Another example before Muhammad it was forbidden for husband and wife to make love throughout the fasting month. Now it is only forbidden for the couples to make love during the day time. Of course there are many more examples....
My dear Mek , I have to stop now and I will continue some other time. So far I have talk about religion and God. Oh yes I forgot to mention that Muhammad SAW didn't come to this world to discover a new religion. He came to correct practices and belief that had gone astray. In my next posting I will try to talk about human beings (you and I) and our relationship with God, Allah SWT.
Hamba yang daif lagi hina
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