A glass of coffee would normally make me wired up ... but not for tonight .i don't have to......;-) knowing that i got the chance looking at all your photos...All praise be to the Almighty..atas canteknya kejadie makhluk bernamo S ne...yang dianugerahkanNYA pado Cik S ....am not trying to lay it on too thick though it may sound a little thick to u, but honestly, i do fancy all your photos..me? ermm not that camera-friendly like you..tapi shukur lah handsome tidak manis ader kot..kahkah (perasan pulok ambo ne wei..adoi..nak keno pulok nyanyi dikir ne....tp tak panda manonyo)
I like those appealing and in vogue photos as I could say..but I liked most yang hok klasik gitu (mace perempuan melayu terakhir..) though it might look a bit passé (ops..sory2, ado kor patut cakak gitu deh..) but seriously I suka yang nampak2 klasik gitu...contemporary ok, but once blend in dgn hok klasik..puhhhhhh..wow!
So i took it that you did like performing arts ya..at glance, looked like a ballerina to me, am serious ~ balletic though motionless ..doing some yoga / stretching before rehearsing for the 'Swan Lake'..you knew the famous classical ballet , right? My sister loved ballet so much during her school days but not now..haha... It's good , you must have been practicing some regular exercises regiment since..Maybe I should get you a panama (god willing) that should go along with the black apparel..u love watching the sunset do u sweetie ? Erm InshaAllah, weather permitting, ada kelapange boleh leh jale2 tepi pantai kor...As i told u I hardly got the chance to stand and stare these days...we shall skive off and hit the beach ermm..boleh lah bawok novel2 hok bahgu sekali ...
Tentang jadi imam tu, InshaAllah, pandai tidoklah...ambo sekadar oghe biaso jpr, ngaji pun tak banyok,,tapi Alhamdulillah, taufik & hidayah, kifayah, riayah, innayah, rahmatNYA sentiasa melimpahi kito..TErus pohon maghfirahNYA jugok semoga kehidupan lebih 'manis' gitu kan kan kan? Tapi ambo ne meme minat lebih pada hal2 tasauf , jadinyo tu sebab suka cite pasal kalbu...dan hal2 berkaite...maaf, tak niat nak banggo apo pun, pinjame secubit ilmuNYA sajo..;'-)
Oklah ambo jaghe dapak kesempate nok tulis panje2 gini, tapi sungguh, ambo raso shukur dapat berkenale denge Cik S..Doa ambo mugo kito terus mendapat redhonya..tp sebagi manusio biaso, memelah ado doso gitu, cumanyo kito cubalah jago sebaik mungkin kan... tapi ambo akui kade2 ambo acts loco sikit..hehe..naka2 gitu ..maaf yer andai ado tersaloh cakak kor, apo2 ko..Selamat Istirehat..andai terjaga solah male, doa2 lah ambo sekali deh...
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