Dearest Sir,
such a captivating expressions from you Sir… flow graceful along with the essence. Authenticity and touch me deeply indeed… Touch full person with a beautiful heart. YES! You’re SIR.
Precisely, we just a vessel, like a balletic though motionless can’t be in motion without His Guts. May the blessing from The Greatest; Al Muhyi, forever at the heart of you…
I really much appreciate. Thousand thanks Sir!
That's what i wrote in replying to the says from Sir R. I really admire the way he puts the words. when i read it, my soul just flow like that... feel like something really touch my heart... i don't know... i'd suppose with his strength of mind, he put pen to paper in writing.
My Dear Mek,
As promised I will try to write in response to your comments and questions earlier even though I feel so inadequate in relation to the subject matter....
First, I submit to the Almighty Allah to grant me the required knowledge and seek His guidence to say the right thing..." Allah please don't make me feel that I know when in fact I don't know'.......
You and I are thrown into this world without having the choice of choosing our parents,, place and the so called RELIGION. We adopt the religion of our parents almost automatically without much questions. We were made to believe that the religion we profess known as ISLAM is the only true religion accepted by God, the invincible Supreme Power. Most of us accept the religion almost dogmatically. As for me and I dare say to most other people as well, right from small the religious rituals became the bedrocks of my religious belief. So I saw Islam as a ritualistic religion...As I got older I was never happy with just performing religious rituals without understanding the greater message of Islam...To my mind it has to be more than just rituals..To me rituals cannot be just the end,at best they are just means to an end. I began to study and observe closely other religions in order to understand Islam more. Thus my journey started.......I started to search to the most fundemental questions first, where before I was taught not to question very much on such issues. What were the fundemental questions?.......First, Who is God. Second, Who am I. Third, What is the relationship between I and God . And lastly, What is the reason or purpose of my existence....Strangely, at this point, religious rituals take a back seat..I was not in the position where " I was controlled by the Syariah but rather I am in control of the Syariah". I remember vividly I met an old man who told me...." To be a seeker to the fundemental questions , janganlah tuan takut pada "dosa" dan janganlah tuan mengharapkan "pahala"..Of course at that time I was dead confused but the old man toldme not to worry and he was sure that one day I would understand him. He is past and gone now and I understood his words later...In my journey I constantly submit to the Almighty to guide me to the Truth and ask him to accept me on my return to Him. I always believe that He will not askme to do anything beyond my capacity...
I thank Allah and praise be to him for giving me the wisdom and courage to do my job and carry out my responsibilities....In fact Im the vassal, an instrument to fulfill His purpose...
Salam and may you be continually blessed by Him
Hamba yang Daif
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