It started with only a simple question
Are you a physiologist or working in the related field?
Are you a physiologist or working in the related field?
bb: Saya hanya hamba Allah. What an answer huh? I hate this type of answer.
bb: Jangan lupa solat maghrib ya saying. Do take care, miss you soo much.
Junjung perintah Tuanku
bb: Bakal isteri yang solehah… amin ya rabbal alamin
Biarlah ia nya menjadi rahsia Allah
bb: I memang sayang pada you… ikhlas dari hati I
Thank you for the sayang.
bb: You perlu ambil tahu bila ada seorang insan yang benar-benar ikhlas sayang dan mencintai diri you
Baik Tuanku, patik akan cuba belajar.
bb: Sayang jangan lupa bangun solat subuh ya. Love you always
Sure Tuanku
bb: Ya Allah moga kau bukakan hati nya mysterious, cintanya pada diri hambamu ini. Ya rabbalalamin
bb: Adakah cinta itu bakal ada di dalam hati mu? Jiwang karat tak tentu fasal... entah laaa...
I walk and move base on plan from Allah. So just wait then.
We are not talking in sync Tuanku, I’m sorry Tuanku.. i just wanna have an open talk n discussion just like that... we are matured people that can talk n comment about anything n everything that come to our mind... yea... express it loud just like that. Because i do believe communication is extremely important...
Tak tahan, merajuk la pulok mamat ni. Heran betul laaa…
Damn crazy! I extremely blur about this blue blood guy, out of the blue came into my life without saying even a word. What is this huh! Curiosity kills a CAT! Perhaps this is we call it, fall in love at the first sight? Ooo…. I do not believe that this man never falling in love before. I’m not sure what make this man admire me.
A blue blood smart guy at the age of 45, drives Cayenne, BMW use to stay 15 years in London, 10 years in New York with a little bit strong in religious background. What else ladies out there are looking for? All I can say is only one word. CASANOVA or PLAYBOY! A man who is amorously and gallantly attentive to women. A promiscuous man! Awuuu…. I don’t care, I just say it out loud for what I feel.
To be true, actually my heart did not say yes to this guy. And in fact I told him that he’s not my taste J I’m admire mature-healthy men with emotional fitness basically at the age of late 50s, in a very simple word is warga EMAS hehehe or Gray haired generation. I am confess! But to be a good friend, no hal punyer… bole aja dong…
I wanna share about this… and perhaps it’s for me to implement as well. The important things that we can do to help kaum Adam fall in love with us and keep his love going strong
These 3 things are:
Our "Everyday" Level of Love & Connection - creating that powerful but deceivingly simple everyday "Emotional Connection" that keeps us and our man emotionally bonded and together in love
Our Emotional Foundation - Putting in place the actual foundation of our relationship that will allow both of us to talk, share our feelings and stay close and loving even when tough things come up. Level of communication with men must be good I suppose
Handling the Critical Moments Right - There are several key moments that come up where a man will either choose to love and commit himself more deeply... or he'll pull away for good. We have to know how to handle this.
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