Tengah busy yer
Sorry in the meeting just now.
o… I'm sorry, do not mean to interrupt you though. Just wanna say something, late evening I’ll text you then.
Honey, just be sincere to yourself, if your love, your sayang, your rindu is not for me anymore, please say it out or just keep hush, do not reply to this text. So that I know, if so I’ll stop rindu u, will stop sayang you will stop love u, will step back and will not interrupt you anymore. Life and love is not gonna beautiful without sincerity. Thank you honey.
Honey, jangan cakap macam tu. Every day I think of you, waited for you lat night as you said something to tell me. (ayat tak leh bleh... agak-agak la hehe)
Love is a sense of peace within. Love is joy and happiness deep inside. Love is an expression of kindness and compassion. Remember this please Mysterious,
Whatever makes me feel bad leave it, whatever makes me smiles, I'll keep it...keep smiling.
Some people aren’t meant to stay in my Life. Some people are just passing through to bring me Something, a Lesson I need to Learn, or Memory that Makes me Smile. When the time comes, I'll let go and move on with myLife
Don't have to say sorry Honey. Take your time, no worries, I understand. The Closeness and emotional connection is enough to make me happy. HUH! ayat tak leh blah lagi... tah betul tah tak, manusia manusia hehehe, berdrama lebih beb.
I would say Trust and honesty are important ingrediants of emotional connection, and they both relate to communication, as well. Communication is pointless if we're not going to be honest. Lies or half-truths do not lead to a healthy emotional connection.
Physical connection, hmmm... cuddling is something that nourishes that emotional connection. I'm not talking about sex, I'm talking about non-sexual touching and physical closeness. Sex alone won't lead to emotional closeness. Hugging, cuddling, touching, holding the partner- these stuff all express the feelings our couple without saying a word. It takes time to develop a strong emotional connection though. Basically can't rush it, Let it grow slowly over time. The connection will be stronger that way I suppose.
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