Monday! Monday! Monday! So full of newness and excitement? Not really though. I have doing it wrong! I’m beating the Monday Blues actually :(
Fingers keep dancing, flowing with the rhythm of the Monday’s mood… I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, I've been hurt but I'm alive!
Fingers keep dancing, flowing with the rhythm of the Monday’s mood… I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, I've been hurt but I'm alive!
I trust that everything happens for a reason, even when we're not wise enough to see it
The Greatest; Al-Muhyi plan in a good way, is like a motion picture of life. All the good and bad things are arranged well together for the good ending, His willing with.
It’s not about what The Greatest gives to me, it’s about how I handle what He has gives to me. No matter how good or bad the things I get, everything is from The Greatest… and everything from Him is always for a good purpose.
If I spend all my time obsessing over what might go wrong, I'll never know how great it feels to have something go totally right. So I need to be pleased about for what I have. I don’t cares about what other people think of me. I don't live to please everyone and I don't need everyone to please me. I won’t let my past dictate who I’m, but let it be a part of who I will become. It is not the position I stand, but the direction in which I look and move forward.
I move on, and I let it goes by the wind, but I never ever forget… It's always better to think twice before trust someone. I need to stress it again and again, I’m lacking of this though. I trust each and everyone 100%, thus I need to learn more and more. It's nice to look back to my past when I can see it as a lesson, not as something to regret. A big NO NO to the word REGRET or FRUSTRATION.
I'm creature, I'm far from perfect but I'm thankful.
A relationship with The Greatest is the most important relationship that we have to take care. When we have the love from the Greatest, we have everything. When we have everything, we should not worry about anything.
I would say being alone, even lonely, is much more better than being together with the wrong person. A bit emotion huh! Hehehe... no, no... I'm strong enough in handling my emotion though.
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