Had a problem with men? Hehe… again I’m as if a Dr Love that has much experience in this. Is a big NO NO actually. All I know I just love to write anything related to relationship, companionship, friendship or whatever words that might be ending with ‘ship’ LOL J`.
Ladies keep doing the common mistakes that could be keeping the ladies being single?
Ladies encounter the same kinds of problems with men over and over, meeting with men who can’t commit?
Ladies keep dating and meeting with men who come on strong and then pull away, or even spending years and years in relationships that go nowhere? HUHHHHHH… what a pity right? :`(
Command comment from love expertise is …most ladies are spending the precious time and energy focusing on trying to fix all the symptoms in the love life… instead of finding and healing the root cause of it all. Is this correct? Hmmm… let me think and I’ll get back to you with the intelligent answer okay? Is that sounding good? J
The point is, not only ladies, men also had the exact same problem we did — finding someone who Adam/Hawa feels is the real catch. We know that they Wants To Meet US. Ladies we got to remember this! J Unfortunately, lots of us unconsciously make the choice to continue waiting around for a man to find us. Thus it is very important that we have to find ways to start. J J J J
Perhaps the most important thing we stand to gain is a new sense of empowerment to create the love life for ourself that we want… and to stop waiting around for the right man to come along
empowerment means the restoration to individuals of a sense of their own value and strength and their own capacity to handle life's problems.
In the name of Al-Alim; The all knowing
“He created for you spouses from yourselves that ye might find rest in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy”
We seek refuge in Al-Mu’id; the restore to life, from Satan the rejected
In the name of Al-Kabir; The Most Great, Most Gracious and Most Merciful, Let Him be the source of love in any relationship that we have
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