In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful we're starting the year 2013 with
Allhamdulillah Thank You Allah along with nawaitu untuk Bahagia & Membahagiakan.
Please remove our judgemental thoughts to others
Always say in my world everything is perfect. we are living with our spirit and everything is perfect as everything that Allah give to us is good and something for us to learn
Just a sharing on an inspirational word from one of the inpirational speaker Prof Muhaya. Insyallah I will try hard to apply those in my life, reshape my thinking and reshape my life... try this
Have love and only have love to give away today and see how what we get is a mirror of our thoughts
Another experiment! say this everyday... I choose to feel good, I choose peace and all is well!
And today is the day1 i will say these loud.
I'm loving, I'm kind, I'm gorgeous and I'm gentle..
and I'll see the result after 21 days.
Trying hard to be a No Limit Person, seorang yang sentiasa mencari resolusi, yang sentiasa menerima org lain seada nya, org sentiasa bersyukur.
Doc - Yes, I'm very happy with myself
M - Aweosme! if bahagia ada dalam diri kita baru baru kita boleh beri or share kebahagia tu dengan org lain, kalau tak ada how to share maa... just my 2 cent
Doc - Please value yourself higher than 2 cents. Can 2 cents make you bahagia? You don't appreciate what you have but only to make you feel very small. Please revalue yourself. I think highly of myself and thats what makes me feel important and happy. (huhu padan muka, kan dah kena hehehe)
M - Will do! Celik mata n reset minda. change my thought to create a beautiful emotions thus produce +ve vibration. I'm trying hard.
Doc - Good, but don't try. Do it.
M - Will do!
share your happines to everyone
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will do! insyaAllah. thanks angknowenemy...
ReplyDeletebenar tuh, tahun 2013 harus lebih bahagia dari tahun 2012