Please hold these hardly in each and every one of us
Carry a heart that never hates
Carry a smile that never fades
Carry a touch that never hurts
Having a successful relationship with a man isn’t an accident. Attraction isn’t an accident. Knowing how to create a lasting and meaningful relationship with a man and break the patterns that have happened in the past, without doing something different. By knowing inside the mind of a man? O dear, why so dramatic today Huh! hehehe
Something had happend between me and that man... but I really do not know.. I do not know how to think about this. Let it goes with the flow, let it dance with its own melody. You play the tune and I'll dance to your tempo.
I will give all to the Greatest; Al-Muhyi to handle. because He knows which is the best for me and the only HIM knows what I'm looking for. With God willing.
J: Girl friend doesn't mean you really belong to seombody but soulmate for me is jiwa raga, deep inside, hidup dan mati you belong to me. You got it?
M: Got it, thank you...
J: Now did you know how I feel for you?
M: I do not know... :P
J: Now you should know...
J: I want to make you feel like other normal woman who really deserve to be loved
J: Why should I test you? I asked you what you feel? Do you feel LOVE?
M: Yes, I'd feel LOVE.
M: Dia anugerahkan Ku kasih untuk berbagi dengan mu, atas restu Allah ku ingin memilike mu...
J: You make my day.
What is inside the mind of a man? Deep inside me, I couldn'tt care less what you gonna say, I’m not going to trust men 100%. Past experience teaches me a lot. I’m gonna make you suffer, so watch out men out there. LOL. I hate men much but on the other hand… :P hey hey hey... please Mrs M, carry a heart that never hates
The Greatest; Al-Muhyi listens and already knows what's in our heart but He wants us to ask Him for what we want, put trust in Him, pray anywhere.
Prayer is amazing exchange... We handover our WORRIES to the Greatest… And He handovers His BLESSINGS to us...
I am holding these hardly in me...
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