Carry such an innocent appearance… An old man that clad with matured character. Yeah! Making nonsense is just his cup of tea. My earshot is really strong in hearing all his words. What’re men huh! Extremely upset… indeed.
Triumphant in career with the profitable business yet grief-stricken in life, in creating a true beautiful life I suppose. Well… might be he can pay money for all…
It’s such a huge problem when man leave without any principal in life… in their daily life I mean. I would say he could have illness that needs to be take care of really well. Prevail on hati yang tiada ketenangan, hati yang jauh dengan The Creator. He not gonna admit all these though. Personally my empathy goes to him…
Someone told me, men can be categories into three. First, which is hard core, won’t be able to change till the end of their life. Second a man that really fast can be changed and last one is a normal man, I can’t really get the meaning what they meant by normal men. Conceivably he is belonging to the hard core knot. Pity him...
My last saying, some sorrows are better expressed in silence as a smile… it holds more meaning than words
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