Thousand apologies for all my wrong did that make you feel uneasy. Selamat datang Ramadhan and selamat tinggal Wan J. Thanks for all, much appreciated indeed. Sir, be a mature-healty man. With humble I step back from your life and end it with salam.
How dramatic it sounds huh! Hehe… as usual I’d draft a text that I’m gonna shot on this coming Friday before Ramadhan get started. And I did not expect for any reply from him. All I know, I’m someone that prefer the formality in starting or ending certain friendship or any relationship, we started with sweet Hi and we should end it in a sweet way as well. Yea…
What make me decided to send this to him is because the truth was naked, we are actually gazing for a different stuff and I do respect his yearning, thus I would say I should clinch with the rigueur feat then. The Greatest did planned well for all of us thus… yea… we should know how to add spice in life to make it more meaningful then. So what should I think off now?
Thinking ‘Everything is going wrong’ or ‘Nothing turns out well for me’ is destructive. Remember that thoughts have power.
All I need to do
1- Remain optimistic. Stay positive. This can be difficult when nothing seems to be going right, but the alternative is to fall into the trap of negativity. Negative thinking increases stress
2- Visualize a positive outcome. Instead of worrying and imagining the worst, visualize how I would like a situation to resolve itself. Visualization is the art of using imagination to visualize specific events occurring in life. It has the power to make us feel happy
3- Don’t recycle the past. Many of the worries are driven by the fear that the past will repeat itself. Whether it was heartbreak, an injury or a natural disaster, it haunts. SO STOP THNKING ABOUT PAST AND LIVE IN THE MOMENT
Well... well... In life we’d realize that there is a purpose for everyone you meet. Some will test you, some will use you, some will love you and some will teach you...
Most important are the ones who bring out the best in you , respect you and accept you for who you are. Those are the ones worth keeping around. Keep them close to your heart!
Deep inside me... i damn hate to say good bye... indeed! isk... isk... isk... uwwwaaaaa...